Ipswich Community Wind Band

Constitution: (effective from 30th April 2014)

1. Name:
The Band shall be known as Ipswich Community Wind Band ("the Band").

2. Objectives:
The Band exists to provide entertainment in the community on a non profit making basis.

3. Membership:
a. The Band shall consist of Members who have paid any relevant subscription and meet the required musical standards set by the Musical Director and agreed with the Committee. (The standards are published on the Band's website and may be amended to meet changing circumstances.)
b. In recognition of exceptional service given to the Band, the Committee may appoint a Member to honorary status. No subscription will be required from an honorary Member. A maximum number of 3 honorary Members may hold the post at the same time.
c. The Musical Director may at his/her discretion restrict Band Member numbers if he/she believes it to be in the best interests of the Band as a whole.
d. Prospective Members will be allowed one month's grace period before being required to pay subscriptions (subject to the Musical Director being satisfied re musical standards).
e. During school holidays Band Members' children under 18 may attend rehearsals providing they are accompanied by the Band Member. Children over 18 and in full time education may attend rehearsals in holidays either with or without the attendance of their Band Member parent.
f. Children as in e above are not required to pay a subscription.
g. All Members, honorary Members, prospective Members and Members' children attending rehearsals or playing at engagements are subject to the Band's Constitution and must comply with the Band's Code of Conduct. The latter may be amended by the Committee as required to meet changing circumstances. Both documents are displayed on the Band's website and a copy of the Code of Conduct will be given to all prospective and/or new Members.
h. The Musical Director may arrange for guest players to join the Band at engagements when required.

4. Committee:

a. The Band shall be managed by a Committee, who are Members of the Band. However, any Musical Director of the Band may be invited to Committee Meetings.
b. The Committee shall consist of at least:
c. The Committee shall have the power to adopt Members as required on an ad-hoc basis, or to fill any vacant Committee post. Any Committee Member who is adopted in this way must be accepted by a single majority of Band Members within one month of joining the Committee. This can be done by a show of hands at a rehearsal, providing at least 1/3rd of Members are present.
d. Committee meetings will take place regularly as required.
e. The quorum for any Committee meeting will be three. Any vote is by simple majority. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman will have the casting vote.
f. A Minute will be taken of each Committee meeting.
5. Band Property:
a. The Band may hold property of any description and the Committee will be responsible for such property.
b. Any income derived from the property shall be applied solely for promoting the objectives of the Band. No Member can derive personal benefit from any property/income, save for legitimate expenses.

6. Finances:
a. The membership subscription for the new financial year will be set each year in January and communicated to Members in the same month.
b. The Committee will be responsible for paying/collecting any monies due.
c. A cheque book account will be held on behalf of the Band. Three Committee Members shall be required as signatories, any cheques to be signed by any two of the three named signatories.
d. The Treasurer or other appointed Committee Member will keep a full set of accounts. The accounts will be presented at the AGM. However, any Member has the right to inspect the accounts at any time -the accounts should ordinarily be provided for any such inspection within a week of the request.

7. Employees:
a The Band may employ or hire any person to provide services as required. The Committee will be responsible for employing any relevant person required by the Band and any legal duties in this respect.
b. A Musical Director may be appointed by the Committee, and can be paid. The Committee will determine the appropriate amount to be paid. If any Musical Director is appointed then he/she should be ratified by simple majority of the Members at the AGM/EGM. The Committee has the right to cancel any such contract to hire or employ any person if required.

8. Annual General Meeting:
a. An Annual General Meeting will be held each year within 6 weeks of the end of the financial year.
b. At least 3 weeks notice will be given to the Members.
c. Members, including honorary Members, who wish to raise items for discussion at the AGM should notify a Committee Member at least 1 week before the AGM. In exceptional circumstances the Chairman may agree to include an item raised after this date.
d. The quorum for the AGM will be 1/3rd of the Membership.
e. Accounts will be presented at the AGM.
f. All fully paid up Members and honorary Members will be entitled to vote, and subject to the above quorum, any vote will be by simple majority, one vote per person. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman will have the casting vote.
g. Committee Members will be elected at the AGM.
h. A Minute will be taken of any AGM.

9. Extraordinary General Meeting:
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened, and held in the same manner as an AGM if required by the Committee or by at least 2 Members who have notified the Committee in writing.

10. Amendment of Constitution:

The Constitution may be changed at an AGM/EGM and is subject to the same voting rules as outlined in 8 above.
11. Expenses:
Legitimate expenses, eg printing, can be paid to any Band Member. These must be fully documented and verifiable.

12. Law applicable
The Band and this Constitution operates under English Law and any rights or duties will be subject to this. It is the responsibility of the Committee to satisfy themselves that relevant law has been compiled with.

13. Discipline:
a. In the event that a Member is disruptive, abusive/offensive or violent, or behaves in such away as to bring the Band into disrepute, or commits any Criminal Offence directly connected to the Band, he or she can be asked to leave the rehearsal or event taking place. For serious breaches of discipline which would amount to ""gross misconduct" such as theft or violence, Membership can be terminated by a decision from the Committee. Pending the outcome of investigations and subsequent Committee decision a Member may be suspended from rehearsals and engagements. A notice in writing should be sent to the relevant Member, explaining termination of Membership, and offering a meeting to discuss these issues if required by the Member in question.
b. At the discretion of the Committee, any Member in breach of the Code of Conduct relating to sheet music may be asked to contribute to or meet the full cost of its replacement.

14. Dissolution:
If the Band becomes impossible to operate all assets and monies will be passed to a similar music group or a charitable organization.

15. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations):
a. The ICWB must comply with GDPR legislation.
b. The ICWB appoints The Committee as Data Controller and The Committee Members as Data Processors.
c. The ICWB maintains a GDPR Policy and reviews it annually at the time of the AGM.
d. New Committee Members will be given a copy of the GDPR Policy and their role in it explained.
e. New Band Members will be given the ICWB Privacy Notice and consent obtained for their personal data to be recorded.
f. Personal data held by the Band will be kept current.
g. Band members must be 16 years of age (or over) so they can give their own consent to processing under the GDPR rules.